- PTO Agendas (Coming Soon)
- PTO Minutes (Coming Soon)
Hello FES Family,
It’s time for PTO’s annual Butterbraid/Pie/Cookie Dough/Cake Roll fundraiser!! All items will be in before Thanksgiving allowing you the choice of serving your desserts for Thanksgiving or leaving it frozen for the winter holidays!
It’s time for PTO’s annual Butterbraid/Pie/Cookie Dough/Cake Roll fundraiser!! All items will be in before Thanksgiving allowing you the choice of serving your desserts for Thanksgiving or leaving it frozen for the winter holidays!
Online ordering is available. Please set up your student’s account at: https://my.mcmfundraising.com/signup/EWWG Once your student’s account is set up, you will be able to share the online order link with friends and family. The Simply Shipped collection online is a great option for those friends and family out of state! (All frozen items ordered online are still to be picked up at the school and cannot be shipped. We DO NOT have access to freezer space to store items not picked up.)
Please return all order forms by WEDNESDAY – OCTOBER 2nd, 2024
PICK-UP DATE – MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH, 2024 3:15PM – 5:30PM in the Cafeteria
Any questions, please contact Melissa Sevigny @ 860-705-8729